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1458 Av Colonel Lukusa, Gombe, Kinshasa
(+243) 976 369 699,
(+243) 828 570 007
(+243) 976 369 699, (+243) 828 570 007
1458 Av Colonel Lukusa, Gombe, Kinshasa

We at UNICOIL ® are committed to providing best products and services to our customers. UNICOIL ® products meet API / OEM classifications. Our products are manufactured at the Plant in United Arab Emirates which is certified on integrated management system - ISO 9001 :2015, ISO 14001 :2015 & OHSAS 18001 :2007. We guarantee the quality of our products and provide back up support to all our customers and attend to customer need in the most profes­sional way. 

UNICOIL ® can help to ensure your vehicles run as efficiently as possible minimizing your fuel costs, labour savings solution, repair and maintenance solutions. 
And as an added service We will go the extra mile not just to meet your needs but exceed your expectations by reassuring you through regular testing with our sampling solutions helping you identify wear problems early and preventing potentially costly breakdowns. Sampling can improve service intervals and can provide a valuable service history for the vehicle or engine. 

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